It is possible to draw polylines on your map. You can do this on two possible ways: with standard coordinates or with encoded points.
Attention! There's a known bug while drawing polylines. It could be that the polyline doesn't follow the polylinePoints as they were given to the polyline. This bug will be fixed in the following release.
<rd:map mapId="map_canvas" width="700px" height="500px" key="abcdefg" autoCenter="false" showDirections="false" onclick="" latitude="50.7520688" longitude="4.2634274" zoomLevel="8"> <rd:polyline id="pol" color="#FF0000" weight="10" opacity="0.6"> <rd:polylinePoint latitude="50.7520688" longitude="4.2634274" /> <rd:polylinePoint latitude="51.1410521" longitude="4.4378872" /> <rd:polylinePoint latitude="50.8470177" longitude="4.352505" /> <rd:polylinePoint latitude="50.9955609" longitude="3.6847499" /> <rd:polylinePoint latitude="50.8430976" longitude="3.2920447" /> <rd:polylinePoint latitude="51.019571" longitude="5.3599932" /> <rd:polylinePoint latitude="51.1401392" longitude="4.4382415" /> <rd:polylinePoint latitude="51.1414364" longitude="4.441827" /> </rd:polyline> </rd:map>
When you have a lot of coordinates, it is better to encode them first. Your map will load faster with encoded coordinates. Please visit this page to encode your coordinates, or this one to see the algoritm.
<rd:map mapId="map_canvas" width="700px" height="500px" key="abcdefg" autoCenter="false" showDirections="false" latitude="50.7520688" longitude="4.2634274" zoomLevel="8"> <rd:polyline id="pol" color="#00FF00" weight="5" opacity="0.5"> <rd:encodedPolylinePoints points="mmttHwrlZhkq@b~}Dm_sBtqGrTw|fG" zoomFactor="32" levels="BBBB" numLevels="4" /> </rd:polyline> </rd:map>