When I add the tags to the JSF page, the map isn't loaded but I can see the tags I added to the page in the source of the generated web page. They aren't converted.

Make sure you use the FaceletViewHandler in the Faces Configuration file. Combining Facelets with component libraries (Trinidad, ADF Faces, Ice Faces, RichFaces, ...) is possible and described in the documentation of the component libraries.


In Firefox, sometimes the Google Map keeps loading and doesn't show markers. The problem does not occur in other browsers. What can I do about it?

Instead of surfing to http://localhost:port/yoursite, surf to http://<computername>:port/yoursite.


When I use Google Chrome as webbrowser, not all items are rendered on the page. Other browsers don't seem to have this problem.

Setting the property contentType of the f:view tag to the value "text/html" solves the problem.


I reveive the message "The Google Maps API server rejected your request. This could be because the API key used on this site was registered for a different web site. You can generate a new key for this web site at http://code.google.com/apis/maps/." in a dialog box.

The key abcdefg is only valid for the website "localhost". If you are trying to access your development machine by IP-address or hostname, you receive this message from Google. When you receive this message in production or test environment you probably forgot to change the key to the one you requested at Google for that particular site.
