MapFace API


The tag <rd:map> is needed to show a map on the webpage.

Name Description Data type Standard Value
autoCenter Set this to true to let the map resize, pan and zoom automatically to display all markers on the map. boolean false
doubleClickZoom Enables/disables double click to zoom in and out (enabled by default). boolean true
dragging Enables/disables the dragging of the map. boolean true
googleBar Enables/disables the GoogleBar, an integrated search control, to the map. When enabled, this control takes the place of the default Powered By Google logo. boolean false
height* The height (in pixels or percent) the map should have. string
key* Google Maps API key. string
mapControl Defines the look of the control buttons for the map.
Possible options:
  • smallMap: Creates a control with buttons to pan in four directions, and zoom in and zoom out.
  • largeMap: Creates a control with buttons to pan in four directions, and zoom in and zoom out, and a zoom slider.
  • smallZoom: Creates a control with buttons to zoom in and zoom out.
  • largeMap3D: Creates a new 3D-style control with buttons to pan in four directions, and zoom in and zoom out, and a zoom slider.
  • smallZoom3D: Creates a new 3D-style control with buttons to zoom in and zoom out.
  • none: No control is created.
string largeMap
mapId* The id of the map string
overviewMap Creates a collapsible overview mini-map in the corner of the main map for reference location and navigation (through dragging). It creates an overview map with a one-pixel black border. This control is placed on the bottom right corner of the map. boolean false
scaleControl Creates a control that displays the map scale. boolean false
scrollWheelZoom Enables/disables zooming using a mouse"s scroll wheel. boolean false
showDirections Boolean. If this is true, it will be possible to calculate the route between two markers. boolean false
search Boolean. If this is true, it will be possible to search in the markers on the map. boolean false
width* The width (in pixels or percent) the map should have. string
deptLinkText This value is used for the text in the links to set the departure for the routeplanner. string From here
destLinkText This value is used for the text in the links to set the destination for the routeplanner. string To here
onclick This event is fired when the user clicks on the map with the mouse. You can get the position of where the click happened by using the "latlng" attribute. (see this tutorial to see how) String
ondblclick This event is fired when a double-click is done on the map. You can get the position of where the double click happened by using the "latlng" attribute. (see this tutorial to see how) String
onsinglerightclick This event is fired when the DOM contextmenu event is fired on the map. String
onmovestart This event is fired when the map view starts changing. This can be caused by dragging, in which case a dragstart event is also fired, or by invocation of a method that changes the map view. String
onmove This event is fired, possibly repeatedly, while the map view is changing. String
onmoveend This event is fired when the change of the map view ends. String
onzoomend This event is fired when the map reaches a new zoom level. String
onmaptypechanged This event is fired when another map type is selected. String
oninfowindowopen This event is fired when a info window opens. String
oninfowindowbeforeclose This event is fired before a info window closes. String
oninfowindowclose This event is fired when a info window closes. String
onmouseover This event is fired when the user moves the mouse over the map from outside the map. String
onmouseout This event is fired when the user moves the mouse off the map. String
onmousemove This event is fired when the user moves the mouse inside the map. String
ondragstart This event is fired when the user starts dragging the map. String
ondrag This event is fired while the user drags the map. String
ondragend This event is fired when the user stops dragging the map. String
onload This event is fired when the map setup is complete. This means position, zoom and maptype are all initialized, but tile images may still be loading. String

* Required



The tag <rd:marker> is used to add a marker on the map. It is possible to add multiple markers by adding multiple tags.

Parent: map

Name Description Data type Standard Value
address* The street and housenumber of the marker. string
city* The (postal code and) name of the city of the marker. string
country* The full name or abbreviation of the country of the marker. string
iconAnchorX The x-value of the pixel coordinate relative to the top left corner of the icon image at which this icon is anchored to the map. integer 9
iconAnchorY The y-value of the pixel coordinate relative to the top left corner of the icon image at which this icon is anchored to the map. integer 34
iconHeight the height of the icon’s image integer 34
iconLink The url to the icons’ image if a different image is desired. string
iconWidth The width of the icons’ image integer 20
id* The unique id of the marker. string
infoShadowAnchorX The x-value of the pixel coordinate relative to the top left corner of the icon image at which the info window’s shadow is anchored to this icon. integer
infoShadowAnchorY The y-value of the pixel coordinate relative to the top left corner of the icon image at which the info window’s shadow is anchored to this icon. integer
infoWindowAnchorX The x-value of the pixel coordinate relative to the top left corner of the icon image at which the info window is anchored to this icon. integer 9
infoWindowAnchorY The y-value of the pixel coordinate relative to the top left corner of the icon image at which the info window is anchored to this icon. integer 2
latitude If you already have the coordinates for the marker, you can add its latitude. If this is filled in together with longitude, the Google Webservice won’t be called. decimal
longitude If you already have the coordinates for the marker, you can add its longitude. If this is filled in together with latitude, the Google Webservice won’t be called. decimal
name* Name of this marker, used to display in the search results and in the infowindow of the clusterer string
searchValue When search is enabled, the search method will look in this value to find suitable markers string
shadowHeight the height of the shadows’ image integer 34
shadowLink The url to an image of the icons’ shadow string
shadowWidth the width of the shadows’ image integer 37
clickable Specify whether or not the user can click on the marker. boolean true
onclick This event is fired when the marker icon was clicked. String
ondblclick This event is fired when the marker icon was double-clicked. String
onmousedown This event is fired when the DOM mousedown event is fired on the marker icon. String
onmouseup This event is fired when the DOM mouseup event is fired on the marker icon. String
onmouseover This event is fired when the mouse enters the area of the marker icon. String
onmouseout This event is fired when the mouse leaves the area of the marker icon. String
oninfowindowopen This event is fired when the info window of this marker was opened through this marker. String
oninfowindowbeforeclose This event is fired before the info window of this marker is closed through this marker. String
oninfowindowclose This event is fired when the info window of this marker is closed through this marker. String

* Required



<rd:clusterer> is used to group nearby markers into one larger marker (used for more speed and better overview of the map).

Parent: map

Name Description Data type Standard Value
gridSize The size of the grid for which a cluster marker will be create. integer 16
minMarkersPerCluster the minimum amount of markers in a cluster. integer 3
maxVisibleMarkers The maximum amount of markers that are visible on the map. integer 120

* Required



Place the <rd:clusterIcon> tag inside the clusterer body to select an other icon for the clusterer.

Parent: clusterer

Name Description Data type
iconAnchorX* The x-value of the pixel coordinate relative to the top left corner of the icon image at which this icon is anchored to the map. integer
iconAnchorY* The y-value of the pixel coordinate relative to the top left corner of the icon image at which this icon is anchored to the map. integer
iconHeight* The height of the icon’s image integer
iconLink* The url to the icons’ image. string
iconWidth* The width of the icons’ image integer
infoShadowAnchorX* The x-value of the pixel coordinate relative to the top left corner of the icon image at which the info window’s shadow is anchored to this icon. integer
infoShadowAnchorY* The y-value of the pixel coordinate relative to the top left corner of the icon image at which the info window’s shadow is anchored to this icon. integer
infoWindowAnchorX* The x-value of the pixel coordinate relative to the top left corner of the icon image at which the info window is anchored to this icon. integer
infoWindowAnchorY* The y-value of the pixel coordinate relative to the top left corner of the icon image at which the info window is anchored to this icon. integer
shadowHeight* The height of the shadows’ image integer
shadowLink* The url to an image of the icons’ shadow string
shadowWidth* The width of the shadows’ image integer

* Required



The <rd:infoWindow> tag is used to add an infowindow to a marker. If you want additional markup for the text, please use html (use &lt; and &gt; instead of < and >, otherwhise facelets will return errors) tags inside the text attrubute.

Parent: map

Name Description Data type
for* The id of the marker for which the info window is created. string
text* The text that you want to show in the info window. string

* Required



With this tag it is possible to add multiple types of maps to the Google Map.

Parent: map

Name Description Data type Standard Value
hybridMap This map type displays a transparent layer of major streets on satellite images. boolean false
marsInfrared This map type displays a shaded infrared map of the surface of Mars, where warmer areas appear brighter and colder areas appear darker. boolean false
marsVisible This map type displays photographs taken from orbit around Mars. This map type is not displayed within map type controls by default. boolean false
moonElevation This map type displays a shaded terrain map of the surface of the Moon, color-coded by altitude. This map type is not displayed within map type controls by default. boolean false
moonVisible This map type displays photographs taken from orbit around the moon. This map type is not displayed within map type controls by default. boolean false
normalMap This map type displays a normal street map. boolean true
physicalMap This map type displays maps with physical features such as terrain and vegetation. This map type is not displayed within map type controls by default. boolean false
satelliteMap This map type displays satellite images. boolean true
skyVisible This map type shows a mosaic of the sky, covering the full celestial sphere. boolean false
useMenu If true it provides a control for selecting and switching between supported map types via a drop-down menu. Controls will be made available for all map types currently attached to the map at the time the control is constructed. boolean false
useShortNames Make use of the short (alt) names for the map types if it is set to true boolean false

* Required



This tag will put a search panel on the page. With this you can search within the markers. For more customization options, have a look at searchButton, searchField and searchResults.

Name Description Data type
id* The unique id of the panel. string
style The CSS style you want to give to the panel.
Attention! The panel has no lay-out!
styleClass Css style class for this panel. String

* Required



This tag places a button on your page that searches for the value in searchField, and displays the results in searchResults.

Name Description Data type Standard Value
id* unique id of this button String
style Css styles for this button. String
styleClass Css style class for this button. String
value The text for the button to display. String

* Required



The value to search for on the map.

Name Description Data type Standard Value
id* unique id of this field String
style Css styles for this field. String
styleClass Css style class for this field. String
size The size of this textfield. Integer

* Required



This panel holds the results of a search action initiated by the searchButton

Name Description Data type Standard Value
id* unique id of this panel String
style Css styles for this panel. String
styleClass Css style class for this panel. String
value The text for the link to display. String

* Required



This tage will put a route planner panel on the page. The route that was searched for, will be shown in this panel. For more customization options, please take a look at directionsOutputPanel, directionsInputPanel, departurePanel, destinationPanel, calculateButton, resetMapButton and printFriendlyLink.

Name Description Data type
id* The unique id of the panel. string
style The CSS style you want to give to the panel.
Attention! The panel has no lay-out!
styleClass Css style class for this panel. String

* Required



This tag contains the input fields for directions (departure and destination) plus the different buttons to calculate the directions and reset the map.

Name Description Data type Standard Value
id* unique id of this panel String
style Css styles for this panel. String
styleClass Css style class for this panel. String

* Required



This panel inludes the output from a routeplanner request (the directions for the route).

Name Description Data type Standard Value
id* unique id of this panel String
style Css styles for this panel. String
styleClass Css style class for this panel. String

* Required



This panel show the departure chosen by the user. It contains 3 textfields: name, address and city

Name Description Data type Standard Value
id* unique id of this panel String
style Css styles for this panel. String
styleClass Css style class for this panel. String
title The title for this panel, displayed above the first textfield. String

* Required



This panel show the destination chosen by the user. It contains 3 textfields: name, address and city

Name Description Data type Standard Value
id* unique id of this panel String
style Css styles for this panel. String
styleClass Css style class for this panel. String
title The title for this panel, displayed above the first textfield. String

* Required



The button used to calculate the directions.

Name Description Data type Standard Value
id* unique id of this panel String
style Css styles for this panel. String
styleClass Css style class for this panel. String
value The text displayed on the button. String

* Required



This button puts the map back to its original state plus clears the directions input and output panel.

Name Description Data type Standard Value
id* unique id of this panel String
style Css styles for this panel. String
styleClass Css style class for this panel. String
value The text displayed on the button. String

* Required



With this link you can go to a site wich contains printable directions.

Name Description Data type Standard Value
id* unique id of this panel String
style Css styles for this panel. String
styleClass Css style class for this panel. String
value The text for the link to display. String
target This attribute specifies where to open the linked document. For more information about this, please visit W3Schools. _blank; _self; _top; _parent _blank

* Required



This tag puts a polyline on your map. Please note that you need at least two points to create a polyline.
Attention! There's a known bug while drawing polylines. It could be that the polyline doesn't follow the polylinePoints as they were given to the polyline. This bug will be fixed in the following release.

Name Description Data type Standard Value
id* Unique id of this polyline. String
color The color of the polyline. A color in the form of "#RRGGBB" must be used. String #0000FF
weight The tickness of the polyline. A value must be given in pixels (without the px notation). Number 10
opacity The opacity of the polyline. The value must be between 0 and 1. Number 0.5
clickable Toggles whether or not the polyline is clickable. The default value for this option is true, i.e. if the option is not specified, the polyline will be clickable. Boolean True
geodesic Render each edge of the polyline as a geodesic (a segment of a "great circle"). A geodesic is the shortest path between two points along the surface of the Earth. Boolean false
mouseOutTolerance This property contains the distance (in pixels) for a mouse cursor to move orthogonal to the polyline before the mouseout event fires. Number
onremove This event is fired when the polyline is removed from the map. String
onvisibilitychanged This event is fired when the polyline is toggled from hidden to visible or vice versa. String
onclick This event is fired when the polyline is clicked. You can ask for the latlng parameter in the function to retrieve the coordinates of where the click happened. String
onmouseover This event is fired when the mouse moves onto the polyline. String
onmouseout This event is fired when the mouse moves off the polyline. String
onlineupdated This event is fired when the polyline is changed/updated. String
onendline This event is fired when line drawing is completed by the user. String
oncancelline This event is fired when line drawing is aborted by the user. String

* Required



This tag is to be used inside the <polyline> body. It adds another point to the polyline.

Name Description Data type Standard Value
latitude* The latitude of the point. Number
longitude* The longitude of the point. Number

* Required



When using many points, it can be useful to use a bunch of encoded points. These load faster onto the map, especially when using large amounts of points. You can use this online encoder from google or create your own encoder using these instructions.

Name Description Data type Standard Value
points* This is a string containing the encoded latitude and longitude coordinates. String
zoomFactor* This is the magnification between adjacent sets of zoom levels in the encoded levels string. Number
levels* This is a string containing the encoded polyline zoom level groups. String
numLevels* This is the number of zoom levels contained in the encoded levels string. Number

* Required



This tag puts a polygon on your map.

Name Description Data type Standard Value
id* Unique id of this polygon. String
strokeColor The stroke color of the polygon. A color in the form of "#RRGGBB" must be used. String #0000FF
strokeWeight The width (in pixels) of the stroke. Number 10
strokeOpacity The opacity of the stroke. The value must be between 0 and 1. Number 0.6
fillColor The fill color of the polygon. A color in the form of "#RRGGBB" must be used. String #0000FF
fillOpacity The fill opacity of the polygon. The value must be between 0 and 1. Number 0.4
clickable Toggles whether or not the polygon is clickable. The default value for this option is true, i.e. if the option is not specified, the polygon will be clickable. Boolean True
mouseOutTolerance This property contains the distance (in pixels) for a mouse cursor to move outside the polygon before the mouseout event fires. Number
onremove This event is fired when the polygon is removed from the map. String
onvisibilitychanged This event is fired when the polygon is toggled from hidden to visible or vice versa. String
onclick This event is fired when the polygon is clicked. You can ask for the latlng parameter in the function to retrieve the coordinates of where the click happened. String
onmouseover This event is fired when the mouse moves onto the polygon. String
onmouseout This event is fired when the mouse moves off the polygon. String
onlineupdated This event is fired when the polygon is changed/updated. String
onendline This event is fired when line drawing is completed by the user. String
oncancelline This event is fired when line drawing is aborted by the user. String

* Required



This tag is to be used inside the <polygon> body. It adds another point to the polygon.

Name Description Data type Standard Value
latitude* The latitude of the point. Number
longitude* The longitude of the point. Number

* Required



This tag is to be used inside the <map> body. When you have the tiles, this tag adds an overlay on to the map.

Name Description Data type Standard Value
images* The folder in which the tile structure is located. Text
mapMinZoom* The lowest zoom level at which the map will visable. Make sure that the tile structure supports this level! Number
mapMaxZoom* The highest zoom level at which the map will visable. Make sure that the tile structure supports this level! Number
opacity* The opacity of the map Number
leftUnderLat* The latitude of the bottom left corner of the overlay Number
leftUnderLng* The longitude of the bottom left corner of the overlay Number
rightUpperLat* The latitude of the top right corner of the overlay Number
rightUpperLng* The longitude of the top right corner of the overlay Number

* Required
