Convert addresses to coordinates

To convert the addresses to coordinatets, we have created a method that retrieves the coordinates of a given address from the Google web service. (If you use this, it is recommended that you save the coordinates, because it can take a while to convert a lot of addresses)

To use this method, please see following code:


import com.realdolmen.sf.mapface.geocoder.Geocoder;
import com.realdolmen.sf.mapface.model.LatLng;


public void doSomething(){
	geocoder = new Geocoder("yourGoogleKey");
	LatLng latLngHuizingen = geocoder.geocode("A. Vaucampslaan 42", "1654 Huizingen", "Belgium");

The resulting latLngHuizingen contains this information:

status: 200
precision: 8
latitude: 50.7520688
longitude: 4.2634274

More info

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